The Delegation of the EU to Montenegro responded to the letters of the Union of Free Trade Unions of Montenegro, in which the UFTUM indicated anti-union discrimination against the president of the Independent Police Union of Montenegro.
Below, we submit the Delegation’s response to the UFTUM letters on the above subject.
European Union
Head of Delegation
Dear Mr. Kekovic,
Allow me to congratulate you and your team on the hard work and efforts that you put into protecting workers’ rights in Montenegro.
The EU is strongly committed to safeguarding employees’ rights, including workers’ right to association, and to the prohibition of any form of discrimination, in line with the European Convention on Human Rights and relevant Directives.
However, please note that we have no competence to intervene in individual cases.
Should you believe that the case in point represents a violation of national regulations, you should consider taking appropriate legal measures before the relevant judicial institutions of Montenegro. As you may know, most EU and international provisions have been transposed into Montenegrin legislation, including article 11 (freedom of assembly and association) of the ECHR, and Council Directive 2001/23/EC on the safeguarding of employees’ rights in the event of transfers of undertakings (which stipulates that workers must be informed of the reasons for any transfer and its consequences).
The EU Delegation to Montenegro will remain committed to monitoring the state of play of the implementation of relevant national regulations related to labor law and workers’ rights. We will also continue to support all relevant state and non-state actors to pursue adequate methods of securing efficient labor standards and equal rights in Montenegro.
Yours sincerely
Oana – Cristina POPA