UFTUM Congress
- adopts Program and Statute
- decides on number and composition of members of the Main Committee
- elects Secretary General
- erifies composition of members of the Statutory Committee and the Steering Committee
Secretary General
- Represents the UFTUM
- Prepares and chairs the Executive Committee sessions
- Is responsible for the implementation of the decisions made by the Main Committee and the Executive Committee
- Is responsible for informing the membership of the work of the UFTUM
- Proposes the Deputies Secretary General
Main Committee
Is the highest organ between two Congresses that:
- Renders a decision on holding the Congress
- Elects the president of the Main Committee and Deputies of the Secretary General
- Renders a decision on number and composition of the Executive Committee
- Considers and adopts the annual report on work
Executive Committee
Operating body authorized to conduct an active policy and decides on the strategy for implementing the program objectives, consisting of the Secretary General, the President of the Main Committee, the Deputies Secretary General, the representatives of the representative branch unions and the coordinator for the territorial action of the UFTUM
Steering Committee
- Supervises the collection and allocation of membership fees
- Prepares the reports of financial operation of the UFTUM
- Reports to the Executive Committee, Main Committee and Congress about its work
- Consists of five members elected by the Congress on proposal of the representative branch unions
Statutory Committee
- Monitors the implementation of the UFTUM Statute and proposes its amendments
- Interprets the Statute and decides on disputes regarding application of the Statute
- Consists of five members elected by the Congress on proposal of the representative branch unions